Toilet paper and dish soap, nylon and masking tape, mixed materials such as: pom poms, crystals, glitter, gravel, light bulbs, water balloons, food coloring and acrylic, mini-oranges, and more, variable sizes.
old scanner, paper mache, m&ms, sprinkles, egg shell, playdough, pencils and acrylic
Foam clay, pom moms, light bulbs, Dead Sea mud, toys and other objects
Foam clay, pom poms and etc
Foam clay, pom poms and etc
Cardboard boxes, acrylic paint, markers and coloured pencils & Airdry clay, acrylic and varnish
Tarpoulin, spray paint, acrylic paint and pigment & Foam clay and pompoms
Clay, earth and clay glazes
Mud, clay and glazes
Sand and toys, 20x10cm
Condensed wood crate, wood pieces, acrylic paint and plaster
foam clay, wooden sticks, tinsel
Clay and oil paint
Foam clay, pom poms and etc
Foam clay and etc
from BOYS'R'GIRLS, 2017
Foam clay and etc
Foam clay and etc
Foam clay and etc
Foam clay, pom poms and etc
Sand, pom poms and etc
Sand, plaster, industrial paint concentrate and pom poms
Foam clay, pom poms and etc
From BOYS'R'GIRLS, 2017
Foam clay, etc
Pieces of tree, paper butterly with stickers, acrylic and other objects
Newspaper, playdough and other objects
Foam clay, pom poms and etc
Foam clay, pom poms and etc
Sand and toys, 20x10cm
Foam clay, pom poms and etc
Mud, napkin, lightbulb and other objects
Mud, napkin, lightbulb and other objects
Foam clay pom poms, and etc
Foam clay and etc
Found mirrors and spray paint
Sand and a mirror
Paper pulp plastic objects and pipe cleaner
Mud, napkin, lightbulb and other objects
Condensed wood crate, playdough and plastic dolphin
Mud, clay and glaze
Foam clay, pom poms, rocks and etc
Foam clay, spring and etc
Cloth and acrylic paint & Canvas, acrylic paint, oil paint and spray & Tarpoulin, spray paint and acrylic pigment
Foam clay and pom poms