The Red House Shapira, Tel Aviv, February 2019
My heart starts as an internal organ, it beats it beats it beats it carries blood and then it spills to the outside of my body, from a feeling of love and generosity. 
Love starts inside and as self love grows, love pours out more and more in huge and infinite amounts: love that has no opposite: into paintings I paint, dances I dance, plants in water, people I smile at. Love is energy, love exists everywhere and inside everything, if our eyes are open to seeing it. 
I am love, you are love, a tree is love, a cat is love, even in places with no cats and no trees there is love. 
Beyond the daily dramas that we get trapped in (which don't really exist), everything is totally fine, there is fresh air and quiet. 
No hate, no worries, just love and everything interconnects like a big big hug. 

Photographed by Alina Deckel and Luca Beisel
Retouched by Youval Hai
Curated by Oren Fischer