Central Bus Station Gallery, Tel Aviv, March 2020
At the beginning there was the word. There was a voice, and this voice said ahhhhhhhhhhhh. 
He said: Let there be light, and so there was.
His voice echoed through the chambers of the universe, vibrating vibrating vibrating: and a new world was created.
Hey you
Said the wise santa claus of the central station,
You can create your own reality
You can create your own reality
You can create your own reality
You can create your own reality
You can create your own reality
You can create your own reality
You can create your own reality
Let there be glitter
Let there be glitter
Let there be glitter
Let there be glitter
Let there be glitter
'In the beginning there was a voice, and the voice said, "And let there be light" and so it was. The voice echoed, its frequency was sent into the universe and a new world was created. 
This is the power of a word, through which you can create new worlds. It starts with a word spoken out loud, which activates the body and hands. What does it take to make a dream come true? Desire, time and place. Central Station is a place where dreams can come true and I dance in the corridors, ramps, staircases and escalators, dribbling my ball and singing. The echo spreads a trail of glitter after me. Where it was dark I lit up and smiles spread. A worn finger points and casts a spell and slowly things change. 
And there was light, and there was light, and there was light.'

Photographed by Youval Hai
Curated by Doron Furman